How to improve your immune system

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Your body is constantly under attack from microorganisms. Thankfully, a robust immune system protects you from the daily onslaught. But with the recent pandemic from COVID19, people have started wondering if there are natural ways to boost your immune system? Or can any specific diet or lifestyle changes improve immunity in general? 

The complexity of the immune system

In general, the immune system is not one particular cell type, but a myriad of cells interwoven into an army. This army consists of neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes and natural killer cells, all of them with a specific purpose of protecting you from different bugs. 

Add to that, the memory cells that keep the signature of the antigen that was used during vaccination. These cells are ready to fire up when a viral or bacterial attack becomes apparent. This complicated system of activation and fine tuning is required to keep the immune system and its response in check. Abnormal responses often lead to autoimmune conditions.

Simple ways to boosting your immunity

Despite the complicated mechanics of the immune system, experts generally agree that there are some general ways to keeping your immune system robust:

Eat a healthy diet 

Diet plays a big role in immunity. Malnutrition is a frequent cause of chronic infections in the developing world. A healthy diet rich in protein, greens, antioxidants (berries, citrus fruit) and vegetables can strengthen your immune system.

Some other dietary foods include garlic, asparagus and nuts. A healthy mix of these supply enough ingredients to reduce inflammation in the body thus allowing a potent immune response when and where it is needed.

Get adequate rest 

Stress is commonly suspected to exaggerate an immune response but not in the “right direction”. Autoimmune conditions such as lupus and inflammatory bowel disease flare up with stress. 

Thus, de-stressing and getting enough rest is a simple way of boosting your immune system. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Fixing your sleep deficit is another way to improve or bolster your immune system.

Get regular exercise 

group of fit healthy friends people cardio workout in gym

Workouts allow many advantages but can exercise actually boost your immunity? This is a question being actively studied right now. In general, healthy fitness-driven adults have been known to have a robust immune system. And even if they get infected with a virus, they have the ability to fight it off much faster.

A good 20-30 minute cardio allows you to “flush” your system of toxins which can improve your immune response. Exercise allows turnover of cells that keeps immune cells replenished in case of an infection as well as release of hormones/growth factors and endorphins that all have a mutually positive effect on the immune system.

Practice healthy lifestyle habits including weight loss

In general, smoking cessation and moderation in alcohol intake is believed to support a healthier immune system. Weight loss can also immune response in adults that are obese. Strict handwashing and attention to personal hygiene can protect individuals from viral infections particularly in the winter.

Supplements may help

Much has been talked about the role of certain supplements in immunity, but can certain supplements such as probiotics improve your immunity enough to fight off infections? This is not yet proven. 

Clearly, vitamin C has been studied for its antioxidant properties and is now frequently given in the hospitals for severe infections and sepsis even through an intravenous route. It’s role in preventing upper respiratory tract infection also has some thesis.

Other supplements have not been studied in a methodical way to assess if they can improve immunity and this still remains a topic of research. Foods such as ginger, garlic, onion and lemons are commonly used for their properties of strengthening the immune system, although systemic clinical trials addressing the same are largely missing.

Stay well hydrated

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Can electrolyte-rich hydration improve immunity? More data on this is clearly needed but it is not uncommon to find immune-fortifying agents now being added into sports nutrition. 

Examples include vitamin C, magnesium, ashwagandha and prebiotic/probiotic cocktails. Some laboratory studies have shown that magnesium and vitamin C can help activate certain immune cells that may offer some protection against viral infections.

Local cleansing with mouthwashes using sodium citrate solutions (sodium chloride with citric acid) has been postulated to reduce gingival infections as well as colonization of viruses in the nasopharynx.

Apart from electrolytes, drinking enough liquids and staying well hydrated can boost immunity by maintaining a good blood volume that is essential for the immune cells to reach the activated site. Dehydration can often lead to infections e.g. of the urinary tract.

Staying hydrated with MAGNAK® Endurance Mix is another way to get your essential electrolytes including some benefits of minerals like magnesium that may enhance your immunity.

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Dr. Sourabh Kharait, MD, PhD.
Dr. Kharait’s sports nutrition blog is created from his “real-world” clinical experience as a Renal and Electrolyte Specialist (Nephrologist). An author of multiple, original peer-reviewed journal articles within this field for the last decade, and an inventor of numerous patented electrolyte formulas, he strives to be on the leading edge of electrolyte science for both athletes and those suffering from gut disorders. Learn more about how electrolytes interact with our body, including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Blog posts and articles related to performance and health are here to help, educate, and inform.