How To Get In Shape Fast

Unrecognizable Man Running Treadmill Gym Athlete Jogging Indoor

If you want to know how to get in shape fast, be prepared for commitment and consistency in your day-to-day habits. With thousands of gyms closed all over the world due to COVID-19, you may be wondering the best way to get in shape at home.

Perhaps lockdown has interfered with your regular workout routine, and you want to know how to get back in shape fast. Or, maybe you have a tight schedule and just want to know the quickest way to get in shape.

Although you can’t take shortcuts to long-term fitness, you can use some methods to accelerate your fitness levels and get in shape fast. Today, we’ll share some tips on how to start getting in shape and how to get in shape quickly.

Build Healthy Eating Habits

If you’re wondering how to get in shape fast and your diet is full of sugar and carbs, one of the easiest ways to lose weight is to change your diet. Switch the fizzy drinks to water and try to cut white bread and processed foods out of your routine.

Instead, try to eat at least five portions of fruit or vegetables a day and several small portions of protein. Wash this food down with eight glasses of water, and you’ll soon start to notice the pounds dropping off your waistline. You’ll also feel much better as your body begins to feel cleansed and fresh.

Interval Training

Try to complete at least two sessions of interval training a week. You can do this on a treadmill, outdoors, on a bike, or on a cross-trainer. Change the intensity to increase the number of calories you burn each session, and be sure to switch frequently between high and low-intensity exercises.

High-intensity interval training is beneficial to people who exercise regularly but need an extra push to reach their ideal shape. These exercises can be challenging, but they are a fantastic way to improve your aerobic fitness quickly.

sport and fitness runner man running on road training for marath

Interval training is known to increase metabolism, increase the rate at which people burn fat, and increase the rate at which calories are burnt. Completing regular bouts of high-intensity interval training is one of the fastest ways to get back in shape.

However, high-intensity training isn’t for everyone. If you’re just starting, find a level that feels hard for you but not too hard that you risk injuring yourself. As you gain skills and your muscles get stronger, you can add intensity to your workouts.

Complete at Least 150 Minutes of Steady Cardio per Week

Cardio is an essential aspect of getting in shape. If you complete regular cardio workouts, you’ll have more control over your weight, a healthier heart and lungs, improved mood, improved circulation, and a higher chance of living a long and healthy life.

However, if you are new to exercise, start your cardio sessions at low intensity for short periods, like 20-30 minutes. Try swimming, walking, or using a cross-trainer. As exercising becomes more comfortable, increase the frequency, duration, and intensity to continue challenging your body and improve your fitness levels.

If you’re used to exercising, try to do more frequent, high-intensity exercises. Use a stair-master, rowing machine, or invest in high-intensity aerobic classes for 60 minutes several times a week. Trust us—you’ll start to feel fitter in no time.

How to Get in Shape at Home

For those of you wondering how to get in shape from home, it’s easier than you thought.

Below, we’ll share some of the workout moves you can do at home, without the need for gym equipment.


pretty fit woman doing frontal lunges or squat exercise indoors in a flat.
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  2. Step forward with your left leg and bend your left knee, stopping when your thigh runs parallel with the ground. Make sure your left knee doesn’t extend past your left foot.
  3. Push up off your left foot and then return to the start position. Repeat this with your right leg to complete one rep.
  4. Complete three sets of ten reps.


  1. Start in the plank position. Tighten your core, pull back your shoulders, and keep your neck neutral.
  2. Bend both elbows and slowly lower your body down to the floor. As your chest touches the floor, extend both elbows and return to the starting position. Try to keep your elbows close to your body throughout this exercise.
  3. Complete three sets of as many reps as you can. If you need to modify, you can use an elevated surface, like a coffee table or a chair’s arm, to place your hands.


  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and arms by your sides.
  2. Brace your core and push your hips back, bending your knees as if you’re about to sit in a chair. Keep the weight in your heels as you squat down.
  3. Drop down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, bringing your arms out in front of you and pausing for a second. Make sure your knees don’t bow outward or inward.
  4. Extend your legs and return to the starting position.
  5. Complete three sets of 20 reps.

MAGNAK Accelerates Recovery Time

Now that you know how to get in shape fast, you’ll benefit from using a supplement that helps accelerate your recovery. Our physician formulated formula is electrolyte-rich, which can help you avoid muscle cramping, recover faster, and reduce bloating.

Order your electrolyte powder today!

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Dr. Sourabh Kharait, MD, PhD.
Dr. Kharait’s sports nutrition blog is created from his “real-world” clinical experience as a Renal and Electrolyte Specialist (Nephrologist). An author of multiple, original peer-reviewed journal articles within this field for the last decade, and an inventor of numerous patented electrolyte formulas, he strives to be on the leading edge of electrolyte science for both athletes and those suffering from gut disorders. Learn more about how electrolytes interact with our body, including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Blog posts and articles related to performance and health are here to help, educate, and inform.