Benefits of drinking hot water

Generally speaking, hydration with water is beneficial, no matter if it is hot or cold. Although there are theories, some of which are more cultural in nature, specific studies on hot water and its benefits are largely missing.

One of the common touted benefits of drinking hot water are more to do with relief of nasal congestion during the winter. It is common to harbor respiratory viruses in the oropharyngeal region particularly during that season. Some people believe that drinking hot water can act as a barrier to entry for these microorganisms and can prevent flu-like illnesses. 

It may have been that the benefit of drinking hot water is largely attributed to drinking liquid alone. Or perhaps the temperature of water may raise body temperature enough to fight a cold. Regardless, those who believe in their benefits do not need much reason to do so. 

Drinking warm water for digestive health

Here are the popular benefits of drinking hot water that are commonly discussed:

  1. Digestive health: Off all the benefits presumed, perhaps the most commonly cited is the role of drinking hot water for digestive health. This is seen a lot more in Asian communities. 

It is common to have hot water or to drink hot tea with meals, particularly if it involves a stir-fried dish. It is thought that drinking hot water is beneficial in its ability to break down the oily contents of food and can help with digestion. Drinking cold water does not have the same ability in breaking down the food particles further.

  1. Role in weight loss: One of the common questions a dietitian usually gets is if drinking hot water helps someone lose weight? 

The theory behind this is that the hot water in the stomach needs additional energy expenditure by the body to cool it down. These additional calories burnt, are in addition to those required in needing to absorb water from the stomach. Hot water is also thought to induce satiety naturally. Which means, it suppresses hunger and reduces food (caloric) intake. So, drinking hot water may indirectly help those seeking to lose weight.

  1. Decongestion of sinuses: This home remedy of drinking hot liquids (particularly teas) is commonly used in all households. Probably, any hot liquid can provide the same benefit. However, drinking plain hot water can be challenging, unless it is flavored, such as tea particularly with a hint of lemon.
  1. May help with “detox”: This is highly debatable as “detox” is not a true scientific term. Our organs, particularly the liver can detoxify a lot of drugs, foods, etc. while the kidney can eliminate these toxins in a water-soluble form. 

The advertised so-called “colonic detoxs” are more fads than a scientifically proven method. If by detox, the goal is truly adopting a healthier diet rich in vegetables and fruit that can help improve gut function, that would probably be ok.

  1. Drinking hot water may help with anxiety and stress: Again, this is debatable and self-reported and there is no true scientific controlled clinical trial to support this. Perhaps a hot cup of chamomile tea may help keep day-to-day anxiety at bay in some individuals and probably is the preface to this assumption.
Drinking hot water may help stress relief

The Bigger Picture

Clinical studies on objective or measurable benefits of drinking hot water are largely missing in the general population. There is anecdotal evidence which is largely self-reported, that drinking hot water (not too scalding of course) can help with digestion and reduce constipation symptoms.

Drinking hot water with lemon, ginger or honey can help with nasal decongestion during the winter time. Otherwise, the effects of drinking hot water on weight loss are debatable but the theory is compelling enough to warrant a clinical trial addressing the same issue.

There are no true downsides to drinking plain hot water. One just has to be careful that it is not consumed too hot as it can cause burns of the mouth or the esophagus.

Perhaps the largest benefit of drinking hot water still comes from its role in rehydration. Hot lemon water for example, is rich in sodium and potassium citrate that is naturally derived from lemon. This electrolyte based water is a natural solution to dehydration particularly in winter when cold water may not be preferable. 

For the summer time, an electrolyte powdered drink such as MAGNAK® can help your body rehydrate faster with all the benefits of magnesium on the digestive and muscle health. Learn more about how MAGNAK® can improve your well being here.

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Dr. Sourabh Kharait, MD, PhD.
Dr. Kharait’s sports nutrition blog is created from his “real-world” clinical experience as a Renal and Electrolyte Specialist (Nephrologist). An author of multiple, original peer-reviewed journal articles within this field for the last decade, and an inventor of numerous patented electrolyte formulas, he strives to be on the leading edge of electrolyte science for both athletes and those suffering from gut disorders. Learn more about how electrolytes interact with our body, including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Blog posts and articles related to performance and health are here to help, educate, and inform.